to my cutest babygirl ♡

from your oppa uwu

happiest birthday my love

i hope all your dreams and wishes come true, you deserve nothing but only the best of bests.

also ...

i think it's time we take this next step into our relationship and give it a go. i'm not good with expressing myself but somehow and someway, my attraction for you grew from a little seed into something beautiful and magical. love. i believe it's safe to say, i've fallen in love with you. i wasn't expecting any of this, i once had the doubt of the day where i could hold you and kiss you never happening. yet, here we are. i can't promise that i'll be the greatest man you'll have but i am willing to be the best of me for you. i promise to protect you and cherish you, never to hurt you. and if i do, i want you to tell me that i am. tell me when you miss me and yearn for me, i'll return the favor. if you are willing to take on this journey with me, would you like to become mine?

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( Made with Carrd )